Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Part V: Saving Bunny Wunny

Weird. At the front cabin, there was no water at all. I ventured in further, towards the bunny wunny’s room. There it is! I opened the door and found many replicas of my bunny wunny friend inside. Suddenly, I saw one jump about very excitedly but still gave me the usual ‘-_-’ face. Yes, it was my friend! It then told me that they were all pumping water out of the ship while the crew were trying to force some Triceratan magic to work for the ship.

Just then, I was pulled out by a tweeting baby bird. It said fiercely to me, “What are you still doing here? Go back to your room and pump! We have successfully sealed out all water, so just pump the rest out!” So I returned to my room in the back cabin. The ship was tilted downwards, and my room was at the top part. I worked hard to get to the back of the ship. Just as I almost got there, the ship broke into half, right behind me.

Oh no! I’m separated from my best friend! I looked on in horror as the other half of the ship slowly sank underwater. To my great relief, no water entered the cabins nor corridor. My side began to sink too. I hurriedly made my way to my room, worried about my poor friend.

As the room door shut behind me, I heard a tweet outside. One of the crew was giving instructions. “Tweet tweeet tweeeeeeeet,” it said. That meant all doors now sealed! Then again more tweeting, saying that we will hibernate on the count of 10.

1…all were crashing the door. 2…we pushed really hard. 3…we realised it was sealed with magic. 4…sorrow, we are locked in. 5…We were all growing sleepy. 6…we realised all the instructions were spells. 7…*yawn*. 8…our eyes closed. 9…we slowly fell asleep. 10…*snore*…

We were all sound asleep, to wake up only when it was time. All was quiet. Everything had died down. Silence…


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