Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Part V: Saving Bunny Wunny

Weird. At the front cabin, there was no water at all. I ventured in further, towards the bunny wunny’s room. There it is! I opened the door and found many replicas of my bunny wunny friend inside. Suddenly, I saw one jump about very excitedly but still gave me the usual ‘-_-’ face. Yes, it was my friend! It then told me that they were all pumping water out of the ship while the crew were trying to force some Triceratan magic to work for the ship.

Just then, I was pulled out by a tweeting baby bird. It said fiercely to me, “What are you still doing here? Go back to your room and pump! We have successfully sealed out all water, so just pump the rest out!” So I returned to my room in the back cabin. The ship was tilted downwards, and my room was at the top part. I worked hard to get to the back of the ship. Just as I almost got there, the ship broke into half, right behind me.

Oh no! I’m separated from my best friend! I looked on in horror as the other half of the ship slowly sank underwater. To my great relief, no water entered the cabins nor corridor. My side began to sink too. I hurriedly made my way to my room, worried about my poor friend.

As the room door shut behind me, I heard a tweet outside. One of the crew was giving instructions. “Tweet tweeet tweeeeeeeet,” it said. That meant all doors now sealed! Then again more tweeting, saying that we will hibernate on the count of 10.

1…all were crashing the door. 2…we pushed really hard. 3…we realised it was sealed with magic. 4…sorrow, we are locked in. 5…We were all growing sleepy. 6…we realised all the instructions were spells. 7…*yawn*. 8…our eyes closed. 9…we slowly fell asleep. 10…*snore*…

We were all sound asleep, to wake up only when it was time. All was quiet. Everything had died down. Silence…


Part IV: Twenty Thousand Millimetres On the Sea

It was already twenty thousand hours wasted on the ship. We were a good 20 metres away from the jetty. I still did not get to see the bunny wunny. I was one of the 300 Triceratan Bears squashed into room 192083 trying to sleep, but too squashed to do so.

I thought of the bunny wunny day and night, thinking how my best friend was doing. I hoped it was fine. I wondered when we would reach the Triceratan Island. So I decided to complain about the slow progress to the captain. I know it’s quite fast already, but not fast enough for me not to get bored. I’m a very exciting bear, but with a not so exciting life. So I must improve it further.

It took me a short 2 hours to find the captain as the control house was only 20 millimetres away from the cabin. The captain was a fine baby bird. He was one baby bird of the flock of baby birds that was his crew. The baby birds all tweeted at me. I requested to see the captain. The captain tweeted at me. So I started complaining, “You know your ship is very slow? Can faster?” So he tweeted and flew around my head, saying something like we were on low speed.

Then after that the ship was turned on to full speed, and we zoomed through the sea, till disaster struck 2 miles away, which is 2 minutes later. The Triceraship struck Spongebob’s durian under the sea with a loud conk. Water started pouring into the front cabins below. The durian swayed dangerously and threatened to topple over. Spongebob ran out of the durian with Gary in his hands, screaming loudly. The durian toppled. Spongebob complained. Gary cried. And I remembered.

My poor bunny wunny friend is in the front cabin! I was horrified. I must save it, and it’s now or never. I don’t care! Following that, I raced down to the front cabin, eager to save my bunny friend in danger.


Part III: A Life Saved

Father talked all day with his clients. His clients were of many different sizes, from the mediocre gobbly weiqi seed to us, the fat Triceratan Bears. Many times I tried to hint to him that I did not enjoy anything at all. He ignored me and continued gossiping about how strong his ship was with his clients. I was totally heartbroken.

I decided I had no reason to live unless God wanted me to. I would dive off the ship into the cold waters, and if I froze to death, let it be. If I live, then I live. It’s not too late now, and I can still swim back to the jetty. It has been a good long 5 hours and we are 5 millimetres from the jetty, a great progress made by the ship. I wonder if I can swim that much. Sobbing like a extreme emo bear, I ran uncontrollably to the back of the ship. There I leaned over the side, hypnotized by the eddying swirls of the fruit punch beneath me.

Just then, a bunny wunny hopped up to me and pulled me back. How it managed to despite my weight, I do not know. How it looked like? Well, all bunny wunnies look the same – a ‘lame’ face they give everyone. This one was no exception. It said, “why you suicide? LAME!” and then it gave an extreme ‘-_-’ face. Some attitude! I was expecting a bear in shiny armour who willingly let me confide in him! But what is this LAME bunny wunny doing here?

I thought and thought, I did not know what to say. Then it went ‘-_-’ again. Not that it ever stops doing that. It said, “Let’s be friends.” Sure sounds like furbie. But we became best friends. I owed him a life because he saved mine. Sorry, it’s an ‘it’, not a ‘he’. And we had a very good night after it rescued me. We played a fool in the ship playground and jumped down from the mast. It was really fun. Then my father came along. Uh oh. Disaster.

“What are you doing here with a bunny wunny? Do you not know they spread bad diseases? They spread rabbii…rabbii…rabbits! Whatever disease is that!” Then I was cruelly towed away by my cruel father. I looked sadly back at the bunny wunny. It was, as usual, making the ‘-_-’ face.

I wonder how I could repay a nonchalant, single-emotion bunny wunny.


Santa Claus Sightings

Excerpt from the secret files of the Santa Tracker Union:

26/12/2007 was a red-letter day for the Santa Tracker Union. Using the ingenius santa tracker built by the professors of the national Triceratan University, we, santa trackers, have found Santa Claus dressed in a Triceratan bear suit. (Don't worry people, Santa Claus hasn't been kidnapped) Santa has filled his house with Triceratan memorabilla, from life-size models of Triceratan folk to rugs dotted with bunny wunny pictures. Indeed, the Triceratan fever has taken over the whole North Pole! Out of gratitude for the Triceratan folks' help, Santa has removed the classic with fluff ball from the end of his hat in exchange for a miniature Triceratan figurine. *Gasp!* Later at midnight, we saw Mrs Claus chasing Santa around the house for not washing the dishes. At the end of her duster was a stuffed Triceratan bear! Poor Santa. No Triceratan folk to save the day this time.

The plural of moose is meese. Meese like eating samosas. A samosa is a triangular shaped thing filled with curried potato and fried. It is spelt S-A-M-O-S-A. There was a great big moose who drank too much juice, which caused him to swallow a whole goose!

Walking Christmas Trees

Yesterday, 25 December, Santa had way too many presents to fit in his sleigh due to growing population and thus had to enlist the help of Triceratan folk including Triceratan Bears, Bunny Wunnies, Flocks of Baby Birds and many others. They were sighted bouncing away on Bouncing Christmas Trees with tiny sacks of presents as the ornaments. Everyone had a great Christmas after all.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Triceratan Bear Meets Bear Acuda

One day, a Triceratan Bear was swimming with its eyes closed.
One day, a Bear Acuda was swimming with its eyes closed.

They banged and met.

The Triceratan Bear admired the Bear Acuda's bizarre brown fur.
The Bear Acuda admired the Triceratan Bear's jazzy blue fur.

The Triceratan Bear stole a bottle of brown hair dye from the horrible lady next door.
The Bear Acuda stole a bottle of blue hair dye from the terrible woman next door.

The Triceratan Bear dyed its fur brown.
The Bear Acuda dyed its fur blue.

One day, a Triceratan Bear was swimming with its eyes closed.
One day, a Bear Acuda was swimming with its eyes closed.

They banged and met.

the Triceratan Bear said, "You look like me."
the Bear Acuda said, "You look like me."

Just then, they banged again. The dye rubbed off onto each other. Both of them became a horrible Blue+Brown Colour.

the Triceracuda said, "You look like me."
the Triceracuda said, "You look like me."

Friday, December 21, 2007

Part II: The birth of a Brand New Ship

I remembered that day clearly. The sun hung low in the sky, soaking the world in gold. The ship stood at the jetty in all its glory, ready to set out towards Triceratan Island. But I was glum. My father was with me then. He pulled me out of the Self Crashing Car he modified, and then towards the Triceraship.

“Look! I designed this ship with a partner. It is invincible, made out of steeeeeeel! Not steel, but steeeeeeel, with 7 ‘e’s. Much stronger than usual. It’s really unsinkable!” my father boasted about his ship, waved his paws enthusiastically, anything to get my attention. Nothing seemed to work for me. I would continue to be glum.

The truth is, I look like a prim and proper and plump healthy bear. But I’m not that grand, spoilt and rich inside. I feel, something that wants to escape, to be let free like a flock of baby birds! I did not want to be in the top class cabin in the ship. So I was glum.

Besides, no one seemed to understand me either. So I wasn’t really expecting a complete turn of events. At least not from a bunny wunny who gives me a ‘lame’ face all the time.

I sighed deeply and stared at the ship. The mast was tall, but a few gobbly weiqi seeds had managed to shoot themselves up there. How I wish I was there too…frolicking…hope I’m too fat to be gobbled up. At the front, the sails fluttered gently. Towards the back, steam sprouted from four ‘steeeeeeel’ chimneys.

The great fat bear coloured ship stood, new, waiting for me to board. I took a deep breath. And another. And another. And I continued to deep breathe as if it was absolutely normal, while I made my way to the ship, baggage following me behind with the frail stick-on legs I stuck there rather clumsily.

self crashing car

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Triceratan Bear Look-Alike

Triceratan Divers have discovered the Bear Acuda, bears which have migrated from Toontown to the Triceratan World. Please do not mistake them for Triceratan Bears.

How to tell the difference:
1) Bear Acudas love to block your way. Triceratan Bears do not
2) Bear Acudas have brown fur. Triceratan Bears have blue fur.

Do give a hearty, warm round of applause to welcome the Bear Acuda!!!

() ()

Friday, December 14, 2007

Part I: The Research of how Triceraship Sank

Recently, scientists have done a detailed research on how the Triceraship sank. It is believed that due to a durian under the sea, the Triceraship sank. But, there were other reasons that contributed too. For example, the violent reactions of the gobbly weiqi seed, the great weight of the Triceratan Bear, and even the sound waves (vibration mah) caused by the flock of baby alarm clocks and birds, all made the Triceraship wrecked.

Using the most advanced technology, Dr Titanic Sank and his team completed a flash movie that accurately shows the sinking process of the Triceraship. Dr Titanic Sank said to us: “We saw a video on how Titanic sank, and we merely copied it! As easy as Mushwawallixus!” Of course, Mushwawallixus is nothing near easy. The movie was shown to a survivor of the unfortunate incident, Mrs Rose, a Triceratan Bear who wears rose patterned swimming trunks. Mrs Rose said:” Oh my!”

Following that, Dr Sank explained the movie as it proceeded. “See? The ship conked the durian…there you have it! Spongebob yelling that his house was collapsing! Water seeps into the front of the ship. The weight brings the nose of the ship tilting downwards, and it continues to sink, nose diving into that ocean…then it cannot take the weight, and the ship breaks in the middle, and the front is separated from the back. Then we have them both sinking. Luckily the durian was there, and the ship now rests on the durian, and its mast sticks out of the water.”

Our reporter observed a weird face made by Mrs Rose. She says: “But this is not how I remembered it…yes something like that did happen, but I would like to give my own version…” So Mrs Rose blabbered on and on. And on and on she blabbered lots of rubbish while Dr Sank snored occasionally and nodded his head mechanically now and then. However, our dear reporter does not think it is all rubbish and she recorded everything. Then she organised the recording into parts, and formed a story.

So from here a new story starts. So tune in to get part II of ‘Triceraship’. For your information, all passengers survived the ship wreck.

self crashing car

The Way to Speak Mushwawallixus

‘I love mushwooms’ = ‘I MUSHY love WOOMWOOM mushwooms WOOMY!’ Now don’t think that it’s just normal English with bits of ‘MUSH(Y)’ or ‘WOOM(Y)’ inside. That’s way too layman. It’s very special. You must put the ‘MUSH(Y)’ or the ‘WOOM(Y)’ in the right place. Don’t go thinking that randomness can save you. Only a Triceratan can master this hard language. The tone must be correct too. Any mistake will result in your being squashed. So, beware! Plus that English you think is English is not English. It is part and parcel of Mushwawallixus! You have to put you sincerity into saying it. Again, it is NOT English. English is an insult to them!

Summon a Random Thing/Object/Being

To summon a random thing (excluding the flock of baby alarm clocks) here’s what to say:

“Ipoit! Itoit! Ipoot! Itoop! Itiot! Itiop!” (repeat it until something comes)

Then, a random thing will start to make it’s way towards you. This is highly dangerous, and you should not attempt it on you own if you are not a Triceratan. Do beware of the flock of baby birds and the Triceratan Bears. If afraid of the gobbly weiqi seeds, wear a full protective suit at all times. You can buy the suit in any Triceratan stall. Prices depend on the stall owner. BE REMINDED THAT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Hidden Street: Weiqi Garden

Deep inside Triceratan forest, lie/stands/sits/squats/kneels the great Altanist City, a place of concrete and nothing else. It is an abandoned city none can enter. Unless you stand at the door with the mushwoom statue on it and press up (that’s you jump). You will be transported to the Weiqi Garden, where all is black and white except for the trees, which is chopped up to make containers and boards for the gobbly weiqi seeds to rest on/in. not that they rest, though. They rattle away in their containers. They chitter away on the board. In the ground where they are planted, they cause HUGE earthquakes, and even when they hang on the stalk of the grown up plant, they shake violently until they are being freed from the wrath of the plant stalks. After they are released, they may do a few things:

1) Position themselves on a weiqi board.
2) Shoot around dangerously while trying to eat you.
3) Rattle with others of the same colour in a container.
4) Plant/Sow itself in the ground.

There might be many other hidden portals, but our brave explorers have not found them yet. They are currently trying all methods to enter every ‘door-looking thing’, including the arc of Zonkywonky, which is apparently NOT welcome in Triceratan Island.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Octopus Residence

Beside the durian under the Triceratan Ocean lies the Octopus Residence. Octopuses are the mutations forms of squidwart, spongebob's friend. Anything with less than 8 legs is an intruder. This is what happens to an intruder:

1)The octopuses will sprout ink (as mutantions of squidwart, they do keep the ink trait).
2)All will go black.
3)The intruder turns black.
4)All remains black.

Unlike the mushwooms, they will not respect you if you speak their language. Instead, they will accuse you of stealing their language from them. However, you can try to enter in an octopus suit and attempt a conversation in octobloopus. But octobloopus isn't as easy as you think. So don't go about wandering. Not even when a Triceratan is around.


Triceratan Bear in Mushwoom Residence!

Once upon a time, a Triceratan Bear entered the Mushwoom Residence. The mushwooms started bouncing vigourously. The Triceratan Bear followed suit. There were HUGE tremors. The mushwooms tried to squash the Triceratan Bear by bouncing much higher than it. The Triceratan Bear followed suit. The bouncing competition began. The bear was too fat and could not jump high. The bear was too tall to bounce on. There was a draw. No one won. So they continued to bounce, until an intruder came and got squashed by the mushwooms and a Triceratan Bear. Flat like roti prata. XD

~*Self Crashing Car*~

Monday, December 10, 2007



I have joined the Triceratan League.

I'm here to dispell the myth that I am no nonsense.

See, there are 2 sides of me. The no nonsense, and the lotsa nonsense. Like that 2 sided sugar stick in Korea. Soooper yummy.

If I am no nonsense.....

I wouldn't be boasting about our fantastic wulinxiaohuis
I wouldn't be able to talk to LT (heehee)
I wouldn't call myself 'Korean 2-sided sugarstick'
I wouldn't be slacking now by posting this.
and...I wouldn't join the league!

See, I am NOT completely no nonsense. Nonsense is good for you. Remember the wise words of the Korean 2sided sugarstick. Embrace nonsense.

¬Korean 2sided sugarstick

Friday, December 7, 2007


One day, the Prezident of Zonkonia wanted to meet up with me, the Triceratan. Instead of taking a peaceful bulletpig ride(The extremely fast flying pig with wings) to our world, he tried to show off by arriving through Teleport. I was snoring away with a sandwich on my head when suddenly there was a loud Pop and he materialised in front of me. Silly old man. Probably thought his way of arrival was ohh soo grand. Then he started boasting about Zonkonia with all its Zonkonians with Ninety-nine horns on their head and some ridiculous thingamagijs. I plugged my ears. When I finally unplugged them, he started criticising the Triceratan Island.

"What eees theees? All theees fat bears paddling around weef goggles and pants??? Fat bears cannot wear goggles or pants!!! and what eees thees wabbit thingy that keeps frowning at mee? and Sometimes can hear dono wad poit toit poit soit koit den can hear some silly bird call?? soo noiseey. This world ees full of silly nonsense. I bet euu can't do something great like meee. I can teleport. I can eeven summon a troop of ants, euu know."

Enuff is Enuff. Thus, In my loudest voice possible, I called out, "POIIIT POIIT POIIIIIIT!!!!!!"
Just then, the Prezident of Zonkonia snorted in dismay. A flock of dancing Triceratan Bears had emerged lazily from the ground and were slowly tunneling upwards out of the floor. And where had they emerged from? Right Below the Prezident of Zonkonia, of course!!! The Prezident was being lifted up on the Bears' heads. I was so delighted at the Prezident's misfortune. I praised the Bears. The Bears in turn were very delighted with my praises, so they did a vigorous Triceravictory Dance. The bears have an excellent sense of balance, and they continued dancing with the Prezident still stuck on top of their heads. The Prezident of Zonkonia decided never to boast about summoning ants again.

P.S. the Prezident of Zonkonia mended the hole in my office as I threatened to summon a flock of Baby Birds that would lift him up my the ears if he didn't.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Breaking the 999999 Room Myth

Before, we thought that in every room of the wrecked ship (Triceraship) there was a different something in abundance. This myth has been proved wrong. In 3 rooms, explorers found them housing the same thing! Due to the width of the Triceratan Bear (it’s a fat bear!), only 300 Triceratan Bears can fill one of those big ship rooms (mind you it’s VERY big coz it can fit a million gobbly weiqi seeds). That means, we have 900 fat bears in a big ship! No wonder the ship sank.

However, there is something weird about the wrecked ship. The ship is completely under fruit punch (under the sea), but none of the insides look wet. And none of the Triceratan Bears seemed to need their goggles very much either. Our Triceratan scientists will further investigate into this issue, and we will inform you as soon as possible about the new thingamabobby that’s preventing our royal comrades from drowning. I would be a brand new thingamajiggy and scientists will be glad to put it to use as soon as possible.


Story of the Poop that Smelt Nice

There was once a Gatsby bouncing rubber. It pooed. The poop smelt nice. It smelt of flower and leaves and nature. It was like breathing in fresh air. So, many scientists came to review the poop. They did many experiments. All of them, no matter where they were from, came to one, final conclusion/decision. They even held a world conference so that all the prime ministers, presidents and even VIPs could smell the poop. The final conclusion from the scientists: the poop smelt nice. The result was shared with all the people present (i.e. all the VIPs). They agreed that it was a most perfect, suitable and scientific conclusion they ever heard or seen in their whole life. Even the bunny wunny had to agree.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Triceratan Planet Found!

Following the discovery of the Triceratan Island in the crack in the wall, some of our bravest explorers set out beyond Triceratan Island to find a whole new world. Led by Sir Mapa de Poopycock, the team of 7 explorers found a whole new planet after twenty thousand minutes. It is complete with one island (Triceratan Island), one country (United States of Triceratan), and a wrecked ship that is bigger than a country (Triceraship?).

The main places are populated by Triceratan Bears, and other (non)sensical beings (e.g. Bunny Wunny) make up the minority. The only that does not have any Triceratan Bears is the wrecked ship (Triceraship?). Many new beings have been found everywhere, mostly in the wrecked ship (Triceraship?). The wrecked ship has 999,999 rooms. It is suspected that there is a different new/known being/object in abundance in every room. Our explorers are still finding ways to unlock most of the rooms. They sincerely hope they will not find any gobbly weiqi seeds or too many a flock of baby birds. The Triceratan League hereby sends them our best wishes, and we hope they find more dangerous stuff than gobbly weiqi seeds or too many flocks of too many baby birds.

Doesn’t everything sound so peaceful and normal here? Yes, of course. To top it all off, we have a super normal sea! It’s named the Triceratan Ocean. It changes its colour occasionally, and also changes its taste too. The taste varies with the mood of the sea and also the spongebob with his square coloured pants living in a durian under the sea. Some of the tastes that the sea can change to are: water, lemonade, apple juice, peach tea, coca cola, fruit punch. The most common overall appearance of the sea is fruit punch.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mushwoom Residence

Deep in the Triceratan Forest, lies(or stands) none other than Mushwoom Residence.
Do Not be mistaken.
You think mushwooms are cute? sure they are.
Not when they're in big groups.
Mushwoom Residence is where they live. And any non-mushwoom is considered an intruder. Here is what happens to an intruder.
1) All the mushwooms will start bouncing vigorously.
2) There will be tremors.
3) You get squashed by the bouncy mushwooms.

However, not everyone will be considered an intruder. If you talk to them nicely in mushwoom language, they will respect you for your knowledge of how to speak their native language. Also, don't forget to add in that you are purely carnivorous and only eat meat and definitely NOT mushwooms.

Well speaking mushwawallixus isn't as easy as you think, either. So don't go wandering around Triceratan Forest without a Triceratan.


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Number One Triceratan Bear Killer!

Recently, a group of Triceratan scientists have conducted a research on the causes of the most deadly killer amongst Triceratan Bears – sneezes! Out of every 10 Triceratan Bear that sneezed, 3 dies of a sudden death, while 4 start to take off their goggles. The remaining 3 either stay normal, or forget that they have sneezed.

Scientists have picked up some clues to the cause of sneezes in Triceratan Bears. Results show that in 70% of the cases, a bacteria called the Triceratan008 furrer is the cause for sneezing in Triceratan Bears. The 008 furrer is a furry organism that enters the nose of the Triceratan Bear when it is unaware. The 008 furrer will then drop certain particles found in Triceratan tickling seashells into the nose of the unknowing victim. Next, the victim will sneeze.

In the other 30% of the cases, the culprit is the 009 furrer. It is the same as the 008 furrer, but produces less devastating effects as the sneezes are usually timid and soft ones.

The 008 and 009 furrers are only found in bamboozlee colonies. Bamboozlee colonies are colonies of ant-like creatures. You might mistake them as ants, but their distinctive growling stomach distinguishes them from ants. Nonetheless, all other properties of theirs are those of an ant’s including the ability to carry something 100 times its weight.

There is currently no cure for sneezes, but prevention is better than cure. Just stay away from bamboozlees, and you’ll be fine.

For more information, go to: www.i-sneeze.triceratan.bear

Friday, November 30, 2007


If you meet a gobbly weiqi seed and you are not a Triceratan, please consider this method of ensuring your safety.




Triceratan explorers have found a far away island they named Triceratan Island. Many Triceratan Bears were found swimming around and basking in the sun. Spongebob with his square coloured pants are under the sea in a durian! And there are many flocks of baby birds there. Bunny wunny eggs have also been found mixed in a container of gobbly weiqi seeds.

Life is advanced there and they have many gags. A gag that was just discovered is the self-crashing car, which will crash into anything and everything when you attempt to drive it. The sand on the shores, however, is proven to be quite dangerous. Triceratan scientists have been sent, and they found some rare Triceratan tickling seashells hidden in the sand. This explains the occasional scratchy and jumpy Triceratan Bear basking in the sun. Sun bathing chairs have been installed since then to prevent further agitation of the Triceratan Bear.

There is also a new trick found. To stop the gobbly weiqi seed from eating you up, stick you finger out towards it and say loudly “poot poooooooot pooooooooooooooot” as long and as much as you can, until it goes away. Please be aware that it might get angrier if you do it wrongly, so it can only be done by us, the Triceratans. It’s not that easy, you know!

For more information on what to do if you are NOT a Triceratan and you encounter a gobbly weiqi seed, please read next post.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

The attack of the baby birds

Once upon a time,I called out TOIT-TOIT-TOIIIIIT!!!! Suddenly,a whole flock of baby birds appeared.I told them to attack my sister.She screamed loudly.I screamed again, POIT-POIT-POIIIT!!! A whole fat troop of dancing bears trotted lazily out of a tree.My sister screamed.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Summonning Skills

So far, our Triceratan Researchers have devised methods to summon two useful types of creatures:

1. The Triceratan Bears
You have to cock your head upwards, and call, "Poit-poit-poiiiiiit!!"

2. Flock of Baby Birds
You have to bend your head down a little, at the exact angle, and call, "Toit--Toit--TOIIIIIT!!!"

Now, don't think we are so silly as to publish our precious secrets here. For this information will not help you AT ALL. Summonning is not as simple as it seems. There are more factors to a skilful Triceratan Summonner.

Yours Sillily,

How we got our name

Ever wondered how Triceratan came about? Yes, we admit we stole the name from a BEAR. Yes, none other than the Triceratan Bear. It was named by ST. It is commonly seen in huge goggles and swimming trunks, and lurks in the waters of Toontown. Most of its kind are fat. We honor the Triceratan Bear for giving us our name. Thank you, Triceratan Bear.

P.S. Spongebob's pants are square in colour.

Yours Sillily,


The Triceratan League
Founded by ST & LT on 27 November 2007.
Members up till this date: 4 confirmed
Yan Ling


heyhey ppl!
haha triceratan is a cool name lolx ((:
being silly is our trademark^^
therefore this post is proclaimed as silly =.=""

~voony signing off
*bounce bounce*

Launch of the Triceratan League

We are launching the Triceratan League, for people who love being silly, admit they are silly, and are proud of being silly. That's the way to enjoy life.