Saturday, February 2, 2008

Unusual Guard Sighted

One day, a bunnywunny went to the Triceratan Hospital to take a blood type test. After it was done, it sat goodly on a bench just outside the hospital. It noticed a guard in a formal suit and tie strutting around. Just then, a billowy fat long plastic bag flew out of a taxi. It rustled around noisily. The guard continued strutting, purposely not making eye contact with the plastic bag. Just as he stopped strutting and was standing straight, trying to look cool, the plastic bag rustled again and rested on his feet. He was annoyed, but tried not to show it. He moved aside.
A while later, the plastic bag decided it liked the look of the guard and rustled onto his feet while he was strutting. However, the guard did not share the same opinion. Annoyed, he gave the plastic bag a hard kick. The paper bag persisted and returned to him. Extremely irritated, the guard gave up. However, he did not give up on acting cool. using one foot(in a shiny black shoe), he kicked and scuffed the plastic bag as he walked. He stopped at a flowerpot and shoved the plastic bag behind the flowerpot with his foot when he could have just picked it up and thrown it away in the first place.
The bunnywunny giggled.

~bunnywunny's true experience

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