Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bean Bear Boggart

the bean bear boggart thinks that everyone is most scared of mr bean's teddy bear. but don't worry if you're really scared of bean bears! these wonky boggarts dont know how to become a bean bear! there are a few rare cases where it is correct, but in other cases, buttons are usually placed in wrong places. like the ear or hand. or even everywhere.

So beware. but do play with it and reward it if it looks correct. dangle it around and dance the mr bean dance with it! you may also download the soundtrack to dance to. just triceroogle it! yay!



Mimes are cute, but destructive. They like to be the center of attraction.


Falling oranges

On new year's eve, the bunny wunny was feeling extremely rich and bought a crate of 1000000000 oranges from the emo bear. The emo bear was so down in the dumps that it started pelting the oranges at itself. So the bunny wunny was doing it and the oranges a favour. The bunny wunny loaded the oranges into its helicopter started the engine. The bunnywunny waved to the emo bear who was too busy emo-ing again to see it. Suddenly, the helicopter started swaying dangerously in midair and one of the windows in the helicopter shattered. The sacks holding the oranges broke and oranges started tumbling out of the window, onto the ground below. The oranges had landed on a television aerial. Skewered oranges and orange pulp. Fortunately, the Triceratan folk placed trampolines from the Triceratan gymnasium all over town. The oranges bounced up into the air and only got slightly bruised. Thus the Triceratan folk managed to save the oranges. HOORAY!

Milo mooooooose!
[How do you draw a moose?]

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Presidential Encounter

Now, does anyone remember the annoying President of Zonkonia?
On New Years Day, he opened the giant white front door of his giant white house and discovered a giant red angpow in front of his giant white front door of his giant white house. He cautiously opened the giant red angpow and immediately a giant flock of baby birds charged out peeping loudly. The baby birds swarmed into the president's house. They spotted a giant white bathtub and they eagerly filled up the tub with themselves. no matter how much the president shooed, they would not leave. The President of Zonkonia gave up and went to eat his giant white box of pineapple tarts instead.

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Friday, February 8, 2008

the Flock of Baby Birds

One day, the flock of baby birds decided to go and Bai Nian to the Triceratan Bears. They all swooped down to the door at once, eager to be the first to be sighted, admired and rewarded (with ang pows). They made a giant hole in the door. The Bears kept the ang-pow money for door repair. the end. but. Since the Birds were not going to get any ang-pow anyway, they decided that it wouldn't hurt to drill another hole in the door. Soon, it was no longer a door with holes but a hole with door. The Triceratan Bears decided it would be much more convenient for their gigantic selves to get through without a door (or a hole with door) and so they didn't need to repair the door. So, the flock of Baby Birds still got their ang-pow money so their hard work drilling the door paid off. the end. and the Bears never got stuck in the doorway again. the end.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

how to detect a emo bear

how to detect an emo bear. if u do, NEVER approach or go near it. if it attempts to shorten the distance between it and you, maintain a balance of 'yin' and 'yang' by backing towards the opposite direction, preferably slightly faster than the hazardous object. When a comfortable distance away from the emo bear, you are advised to run immediately AWAY from the bear.

Here’s how to detect an emo bear. You can by its speech: “Go away, don’t talk to me”; “Don’t say my name unnecessarily”; “life is a big ball of crap”; “my name’s not (insert self’s name here)”; “I’m not friending you”; “I’m gonna chop myself”

you can also by its actions: (attempts to chop oneself); (attempts to cry at everything); (cries at everything); (cries); (becomes a self butcher); (shrieks shrilly when they cry)...etc.etc.

WARNING: in case you come in contact with an emo bear, please, do the opposite of the above to prevent the spread of the emo virus. THE ABOVE IS THE ONLY CURE! so do it or die of suicide/self butchering.

~*self crashing car*~

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Unusual Guard Sighted

One day, a bunnywunny went to the Triceratan Hospital to take a blood type test. After it was done, it sat goodly on a bench just outside the hospital. It noticed a guard in a formal suit and tie strutting around. Just then, a billowy fat long plastic bag flew out of a taxi. It rustled around noisily. The guard continued strutting, purposely not making eye contact with the plastic bag. Just as he stopped strutting and was standing straight, trying to look cool, the plastic bag rustled again and rested on his feet. He was annoyed, but tried not to show it. He moved aside.
A while later, the plastic bag decided it liked the look of the guard and rustled onto his feet while he was strutting. However, the guard did not share the same opinion. Annoyed, he gave the plastic bag a hard kick. The paper bag persisted and returned to him. Extremely irritated, the guard gave up. However, he did not give up on acting cool. using one foot(in a shiny black shoe), he kicked and scuffed the plastic bag as he walked. He stopped at a flowerpot and shoved the plastic bag behind the flowerpot with his foot when he could have just picked it up and thrown it away in the first place.
The bunnywunny giggled.

~bunnywunny's true experience