Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Cornrection from the previous post! 30 October is WORLD (candy) CORN DAY!! HOORAY!! Be prepared for celebrations!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

IQ Test for All

Some warmups to start off.
1) What does the corn have in cornmon with the statue of liberty?
A: The Statue of Liberty was an iCORN of the country.

2) What did the students say when their corn teacher walked into the class?
A: Good Corning Mr Corn. (Good Morning, in case you didn't get it)

3) What did the corn do when his computer got stuck?
A: He pressed CORNtrol-Alternate-Delete.

Now for the IQ Question of the week.
(scroll down after you think you have your answer)

I bet your answer was something like
1) CORNflakes.
2) popCORN.


The answer can be anything BUT anything corn-based.
You see, the Corn can eat bread, or chocolate, or chicken, or fluff or anything BUT CORNstuffs. That would be EXTREMELY CORNniballistic.
After all, humans eat anything but OTHER HUMANS. Am I right? So it would be extremely immoral and ridiculous for a Corn to eat something of his own kind. Now, give yourself a well-deserved pinch on the arm for even SUSPECTING the Corn of doing something so horrible, terrible and incornrigible. The Corn is very, very angry.
He hopes that everyone here has learnt a good lesson and will Corntinue to apply the macro-Corncept which they have learnt today, which is never to suspect innocent corns. Thank you. CORNbanwa.

() ()

On behalf of the corns of the world.

And we proclaim that 1 August shall be Corn Day. Corngratulations, Corns of the World!!

Thank you.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

CORNpilation of corny stuff of Self-Crashing Car, bunnywunny and the Moose

There was a CORN in RGS. She loved learning Macro-CORNcepts and History, because she liked to CORNpare and CORNtrast. One day, she went for assembly. The CORNgress members talked about CORNtemplating choices of head prefects. It went home to CORNsider. In the end, it played its Xbox game CORNsole. It played and it lost. It was very sad so her mom CORNforted it. And then she was CORNtent. Then she realised that CORNtent came with CORNtext. It was really happy so it switched on the airCORN and cooked CORN soup. She poured the soup into a CORNcave bowl, then it was CORNfused about CORNcave and CORNvex. Suddenly, her mother CORNmanded CORNplete CORNtrol of her. She found the CORNmand CORNplex and so she CORNfronted her mother to repeat and explain. The CORN decided to go on a Mega Movie MaraCORN so she watched two movies CORNcurrently on two TVs. Soon, she was bored so she went a-strolling. While a-strolling and reading the CORNicles of Narnia, she was CORNered by a CORNman. The CORNman tried CORN her money. In the end, she kicked him and walked away CORNfidently. When she went to school, she found that she was highly recCORNmended to go for a business and CORNmerce exchange to China. The CORN was so shocked that it went blind. So it went for a CORNea implant/replacement surgery. So it became CORNier (cornier, cornea, hahaha) With increased quality of sight comes increased music power, so she started CORNposing songs. She got bored and hence took her Golden CORNpass out to guide her to the north, to her friend's house, where she played CORNnect Four. She flew to CORNnectticut, USA the next day. She went on a getaway car. She ate CORN chips (Orh hor, big bad CORNnibal) However she accidentally CORNmitted a crime and was CORNdemned to death. After its death, the CORN was put on the Christmas tree as a CORNament!

In case you were wondering how the corn died, it was CORNstipated.